Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More Of The Same?

Up 300 down 280, what do we expect of today? LEH searching for funding and supposedly getting denied by a Korean bank, OPEC cutting oil production by 5mil barrels, hurricane Ike still looming, housing report down. LEH is going up in the futures market though, what's going on, purely speculation? Figuring out this market is the secret to wealth right now, especially right now becuase of the big moves back and forth. Right now the best thing to have is cash to capitalize on these big dips and ride them back up. The problem is all of the false bottoms and getting in too soon. The other day when Fannie and Freddie broke no one expected the next day to have another bank go down in flames. How much can this market take, it's a strong market and will work itself out but we do need to establish a bottom soon and reestablish some confidence. We'll see...Keep making Sense out there!

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